“I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it.”

Denzel Washington




Drama Boosters Events

Drama Boosters will participate in the following events in support of LMHS’s shows and fundraising for Drama department. For more details, see the Drama Boosters Events page.

Spooky Walkthrough – October 25th 6-7pm Pumpkin Hour / 7-9pm Full Scares
Peter and The Star Catcher – September 28th – 30th at 7pm
Individual Events Thespian District Showcase – TBD
Hosting Jr. Thespian District Competition – TBD
One Act/Large Group Thespian District Showcase – Nov 8th
Holiday Arts Show – Dec 9th
Thespian State Festival – March 13-16
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – April 4th – 6th
Drama Club Banquet – May 4th

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Spirit Nights

Spirit Nights are currently being scheduled. Details will be published on the Spirit Nights page as soon as available.

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Thespian Troupe #3506

Best of luck to LMHS’s fabulous troupe! For more details, see the Thespian Events page.

Thespian Districts – November 11th and 12th @ Lyman High School
Thespian State Festival – March 15th thru March 18,(during Spring Break) @ Tampa

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