Drama Boosters Plan for the Season’s Events and Fundraisers

Thank you in advance for your support and participation. Drama Boosters is an integral part of bringing the shows to our audiences. Many hands make for light work. We appreciate all you can do to make this year a success for the Drama and Thespian students.

Fall Play: Peter and the Starcatcher

Drama Boosters will sell concessions and flowers, and will run the ticket booth. A request for volunteers and donations will be sent out using Sign-up Genius 2 weeks prior.


Hosting Jr. Thespians District Competition – November 4th and 5th, 2023

This is a major fundraiser for us, and we are so excited to have the opportunity to do this. Over 500 middle school students, coaches and judges come to Lake Mary High for their district competition. We sell concessions both days and provide lunch for everyone on Saturday. This event involves a lot of planning, logistics and volunteers to be the best hosts and representatives from Lake Mary High. Thespian and Drama Club students are also involved in hosting the event. A request for volunteers and donations will be sent out using Sign-up Genius 2 weeks prior. Thank you in advance for all you can do to support this event.

Spirit Nights – Dates TBD

Drama Boosters will organize a few Spirit Nights each semester to promote fellowship and raise funds for the department at the same time. We are in the process of scheduling those for this semester and will get the word out shortly. We hope you’ll participate.

Thespians Districts – November 11th-12th 2023

Drama Boosters will chaperone at the District tournament at Lyman High School on November 12th – 13th. Drama Boosters will provide an early morning breakfast on November 12th and 13th as we gather in the parking lot to head over to Lyman High School. A Sign-up Genius has been sent out.

Holiday Arts Show – December 9th, 2023

The Drama Boosters will sell concessions and host an online auction/raffle, just in time for holiday shopping. We are actively seeking donations for the auction/raffle. Please contact us at boosters@lmhsdrama.com if you have any suggestions or possible donations. A Sign-up Genius will be sent 2 weeks prior for volunteers and donations for concessions.

Thespians State Festival – March 13th – March 16th, 2024

Drama Boosters will chaperone at the Thespian State Festival Wednesday through Saturday 3/15/2023 – 3/18/2023 which is during Spring Break in Tampa. Please note that to qualify to chaperone at this event, you must have chaperoned at Districts. Since this is an overnight trip, in addition to signup up with Dividends, you must also be fingerprinted with Seminole County School Board.

Spring Musical: 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – April 4th – April 6th 2024

Drama Boosters will sell concessions and flowers, and will run the ticket booth. A request for volunteers and donations will be sent out using Sign-Up Genius 2 weeks prior.

Drama Club Festivities

Drama Boosters also provides support to the Drama Club in hosting fellowship events. We will seek donations for the Getting to Know You Event at the beginning of the year, the Holiday Party and the Year-End Banquet. This year there will also be a Halloween Party after school; in lieu of donations and the customary amount students contribute for parties, we will host a Spirit Night for it.

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