Drama Boosters

Lake Mary High School Drama Boosters supports the LMHS’s drama department, drama club and thespian troupe 3506 with fundraising, planning, volunteers and services at events.

Boosters Mission

The mission of Lake Mary High School Drama Booster Club is to create opportunities for our students to participate in as many enriching, educational and inspirational theatrical experiences as possible.

We will accomplish our mission by:

  • Providing educational experiences in all aspects of theatre by attending professional productions;
  • Enabling participation in theatre conferences and competitions.
  • Providing hands-on experiences in producing quality presentations for our school and community.
  • Creating opportunities for students to develop talents, self confidence and self esteem through cooperation, collaboration and respect for the art and each other;
  • Developing the spirit of volunteerism.
  • Generating the necessary resources and efficiently managing them in support of all of our goals.

Boosters Board – 2023-2024
  • Sponsors – Mr. Southworth and Ms. Gaudreau
  • President – Jason Jose
  • Vice President – Allison Wheaton
  • Treasurer – Tiff Spicer
  • Secretary – Sara Russell
  • Social Activities – Emily Brown
  • Fundraising Chairperson –
  • Concessions – Linda Jose
  • Website – Kevin Wheaton

The Drama Boosters may be contacted by sending an email to boosters@lmhsdrama.com or by contacting the individual executive board member directly listed above.

Boosters Meetings

The Drama Boosters will normally meet the first Tuesday of every month for 30 to 45 meetings. Please join us to support the drama program.

Next Meeting: May 2024 official date TBD

Boosters Calendar of Event

Please see Booster Events for dates of the events Boosters participate in and a description of our participation. To receive the Sign-up Genius requests for volunteers and donations, please ensure that you are subscribed to this website and that boosters@lmhsdrama.com and lmhsdrama@gmail.com are in your contacts so that emails arrive in your inbox rather than spam.

Boosters By-Laws and Budget
Boosters Forms
Dividends Volunteer Program

Please note that anyone wishing to be a Seminole County school volunteer needs to register in the Seminole County Dividends Volunteer Program. Volunteers need to re-register every year. Please register or re-register here. Please note that anyone who wishes to chaperone to go to Thespian States needs to volunteer at Districts competition as well. Since States competition requires you to be fingerprinted with Seminole County school board in addition to be registered in the Dividends program.

Drama Boosters News